Creating meteor collections that are subsets of the larger dataset
This is a pattern where you want to have multiple subscriptions for a single collection. In a normal meteor application, only the signed in user information is available on the client. What if we want to create an admin page which lists a subset of users in the DB? We can create a local client collection, which is a subset of the data on the server.
We use the _publishCursor method to do this.
Meteor.publish('allusers', function(){
var sub = this;
var allusersCursor = Meteor.users.find({});
Mongo.Collection._publishCursor(allusersCursor, sub, 'allusers');
// client side only users collection
UserList = new Mongo.Collection('allusers');
// user list
Router.route('users', {
name: "userList",
waitOn: function(){
return Meteor.subscribe('allusers');
allusers: function(){
return UserList.find();